Tag Archives: Abbas town

Abbas town left shattered.


Protestors hold slogans reading “Stop this nonsense – Where is the government?” in condemnation of the bombings and the Shia killings. — Photo by Kurt Menezes

Protestors hold slogans in condemnation of the bombings and  the Shia killings.

A protester holds a slogan reading: ‘Don’t differentiate between Shia’s and Sunni’s— Offer your help — Give accountablity for your reign of terror — Offer your help”.

Protestors hold slogans in condemnation of the bombings and  the Shia killings.A protester holds a slogan reading: ‘Don’t differentiate between Shia’s and Sunni’s— Offer your help — Give accountablity for your reign of terror — Offer your help”.



PLease recite Dua-e-Sabasab everyday.Its a request to protect our nation.Muslims are seeing bad days.